Sustainability is central to our investment philosophy.

Sustainability is central to our investment philosophy.


At Ember, we believe the sustainability characteristics of our investments contributes to their long-term viability and growth potential—impact and returns align. Just as we track operating and financial progress, we measure, report and strive to improve upon the positive impact our investments have on society and the environment. 

Our ethos

We do not seek gains at the expense of future generations.

Ember seeks to invest in businesses based on the strength of their strategy, talent of their team and ability to meet the needs of their stakeholders.

We believe that businesses with robust commitments to Environmental, Social and Governance principles are best positioned to succeed amidst a rapidly evolving market and regulatory landscape.


Our framework

Ember has developed a methodical approach to identifying, managing, reporting and improving upon ESG-related risks and opportunities, aligned with internationally-accepted industry standards.

Implementing this framework for diligence and oversight enables each of our partner portfolio companies to develop a track record of compliance and excellence, which we believe increases their value.


UN Principles for Responsible Investment
Ember is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”), the world's leading proponent of responsible investment; PRI works to understand the investment implications of ESG factors and to support its international network of investor signatories in integrating these factors into their investment and ownership decisions.


Intentional Endowments Network
Ember is a member of the Intentional Endowments Network, a collaborative network that supports colleges, universities, and other mission-driven tax-exempt organizations in aligning their investment practices with their mission, values, and sustainability goals without sacrificing financial returns.


Ember is a member of GRESB, the global organization that aggregates and benchmarks ESG data.  Ember is committed to reporting data to GRESB to improve industry benchmarks.


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